479 research outputs found

    Big Data, Analytics, LĂŠring og Uddannelse - et kritisk blik

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    Web 2.0 and the Net Generation - A Critical Perspective

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    Bodily-material resources in CSCL:Children’s embodied and multimodal collaborative learning of scale around touchscreens

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    Students Designing ICT Support for Collaborative Learning in Practice

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    The Relationships Between Policy, Boundaries and Research in Networked Learning

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    “This is the size of one meter”:Children’s bodily-material collaboration and understanding of scale around touchscreens

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    SamhĂžrighed, interaktion og vidensdeling blandt studerende - Erfaringer fra et ikt-pĂŠdagogisk udviklingsprojekt

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    I artiklen beskriver vi erfaringer fra et projekt pÄ Aalborg Universitet (AAU), hvor forfatterne designede et forlÞb med Google+ communities for at skabe Þget samhÞrighed, interaktion og vidensdeling mellem studerende pÄ 1. semester pÄ studiet Kommunikation og Digitale Medier (KDM). Studier viser, at studerende i vid udstrÊkning anvender sociale netvÊrkssteder, sÄsom Facebook, i forbindelse med deres studieliv til faglige, men i sÊrdeleshed sociale aktiviteter. Det betyder, at vi som undervisere har et begrÊnset indblik i, hvad de studerende kommunikerer om og har af problemstillinger i deres studieliv, hvilket er problematisk i forhold til at udvikle et fagligt fÊllesskab og forankringspunkt. Det skyldes endvidere, at brugen af det institutionelle system Moodle er begrÊnset til envejskommunikation fra underviser til studerende. FormÄlet med udviklingsprojektet var sÄledes at skabe et tredje rum imellem Facebook og Moodle, som skulle give de studerende oplevelser og erfaringer med, hvordan de kan bruge og finde inspiration i hinandens arbejde ved at deltage i et online-fÊllesskab sammen med underviserne. Projektet viser, at underviserne spiller en central rolle i udviklingen af online-fÊllesskabet, men samtidig, at nogle af forlÞbets aktiviteter har haft positiv indflydelse pÄ de studerendes samhÞrighed, interaktion og vidensdeling gennem forlÞbet. In this paper, we share experiences from a project at Aalborg University (AAU), in which the authors designed a course using Google + Communities for the first semester of the Communication and Digital Media programme. In this programme Google + Communities was used to nurture both an academic and social community among the students, through encouraging interaction and knowledge sharing. Studies show that students prefer to use Facebook for academic and social purposes. As a consequence, teachers have minimal insight into the challenges facing students, which is problematic when trying to create and support an academic community. Moreover, it is problematic that the institutional system Moodle primarily is used by the teachers to push information in the direction of the students. Thus, we wanted to design a third space that would fit in-between Facebook and Moodle, and which would allow the students to experience the benefits of participating in an online community with fellow students and teachers. The project shows that teachers are crucial in developing and maintaining the online community. But there was also evidence that some of the online activities encouraged students to interact and share knowledge and fostered a sense of community

    Collaboration in the age of personalised mass(ive) education

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    In the paper we explore a number of issues we believe challenge some current notions of collaboration. We explore tensions arising from the increased interest in personalised open learning, and how this challenges, but also offers new ways of conceptualising collaboration towards group-organisations that are more nomadic entanglements of shifting participation
